Look at what I found on this blog’s Drafts. Perfect timing for a throwback, yes? 🙂 From Estonia, Cha and I took the ferry to the capital of Finland. They say people either love or hate Helsinki, never in between. The people I met prior to our trip, including a Finn, all hated Helsinki with a passion. So it comes a bit of as a surprise that I absolutely loved it.

For one whole day, Cha and I were doing are own version of Amazing Race, rushing about the attractions and the landmarks while making up stories about the monuments. What I loved about Helsinki was that you know it’s a city but it still felt quaint. At least that’s how it felt to me. It also doesn’t hurt that it was autumn, the weather was cooling not freezing, and the foliage was in pretty shades of orange and gold. You have the bustle and diversity of a metropolis set against a charming smalltown backdrop. I remember learning about how Helsinki valiantly stood its ground in trying to defend its sovereignty against Soviet and Nazi forces, so although the architecture looks old-worldish, buildings are actually relatively new.

You have to note though that these photos are 2 years old and I’m pretty sure the city has had some changes. That means… I should make do on my promise at the Helsinki Cathedral steps and come back soon.
