For this week’s What I’m Loving Now, I figured I’d shine the stoplight on what I have been grateful for lately. There’s so much goodness and positive vibes in this world and I’m lucky to have my share too. The secret to getting more? Always focus on the good and you’re bound to see more!

1. People who, despite being busy, help you with your dreams

2. Hearing something you needed to hear from someone you didn’t expect it from

3. Japan trip is pushing through (!)

4. I can breathe properly again

5. A good night’s sleep

6. My mom flying to Singapore in a few days

7. Finding a Deliveroo promo code and getting $20 off

8. The upcoming pay day

9. Seeing progress from previous journals

10. Reassurance that you’re going the right way

Here’s to a productive yet restful Sunday and a great week ahead! Remember to focus on the positive!


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